Music in Games and the Effect on Gameplay and Storytelling thumbnail

Music in Games and the Effect on Gameplay and Storytelling

Where I discuss music in video games, the effect it has on the player, and the nostalgia it evokes.
gaming musicvideo gamesgamesmusicnostalgiaambience
Renaissance Man thumbnail

Renaissance Man

Wherein I discuss being a jack of all trades, but a master of none.
renaissance manskillsgeneralizationadaptationversatility
Happy Birthday Super Metroid thumbnail

Happy Birthday Super Metroid

Wherein I discuss Super Metroid and interesting game mechanics.
super metroidgaming90ssnesretroanniversary
Poor Me, a Draft thumbnail

Poor Me, a Draft

Wherein I discuss implementing a drafting feature for the blog
A Politics Nod and The Comments Section thumbnail

A Politics Nod and The Comments Section

Wherein I discuss how I think the Comments Section will play out
commentssocial mediatwitterblueskypoliticsprotest
In Order to Write, You Gotta Write thumbnail

In Order to Write, You Gotta Write

Wherein I discuss working on my blog, the impetus for doing so, running into creative walls, and forcing myself to write more often.
Testing all the Markdown thumbnail

Testing all the Markdown

Wherein I test out all the markdown supported by the blog!
Hello, World ! ! ! thumbnail

Hello, World ! ! !

Inaugural post to welcome the blog to the world!